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Meditate your way to a Powerful Aura

In my last Blog post, I talked about how you can have a powerful Aura. And that is through feeling comfortable in your own skin. But feeling comfortable in your own skin is easier said than done.

But do not fret, I am going to elucidate to you how you can do it in simple steps. This post is about meditation, and in Future posts, i will give some more tips.


I am sure you all know meditation. But many do not know the surprising results of Meditation.
Now I am not going to ask you to become some kind of monk or follow Buddha's way of meditation. What i am going to tell you is:

Everyday for 5 minutes

-sit somewhere (i prefer sofa because it is comfortable)

-close your eyes

-try and concentrate on your breathing

This is it. Sounds simple but believe me it is very effective. What you are trying to achieve is stillness in your mind. This stillness and calm will remove all the negative traffic from your mind and clear the way for your Your Positive Waves to flow freely.  When those waves flow, your Aura will become more powerful and you will start feeling a little more comfortable in your skin. You will start accepting yourself the way you are. You will get many inspirations and insights, but let me just leave that for you.

Now it will not be easy to keep you mind clear during meditation, but remember I said Try and concentrate. Thoughts will keep coming in your mind but that is just fine. Go back to concentrate on your breathing, do not fight the thoughts.

You can do this exercise anytime during the day, whatever makes you comfortable.
